Something funny to start on diversity

This week lecture covers on diversity in gender, age,
physical or mental ability and race, ethnicity and religion in the workplace.
Due to the rapid demographic changes in the workforce, there are increasing
numbers of women and wide range of different culture groups joining the
organizations. However, these groups of people are considered the minorities
and they have a greater difficulty in getting jobs and in climbing the
corporate ladder to join the ranks of upper management due to the phenomenon of
‘Glass ceiling’. This concept is popularized in 1980s to describe a barrier to
subtle that it is transparent, yet so strong that it prevents women and
minorities from moving up the management position. It is a sign of
discrimination and stereotyping in the workplace which causes bias treatment
towards minorities. Prejudice refers to negative attitudes towards an organisation
member based on their culture group identity and discrimination is an
observable behaviour for same reason as prejudice. There are four issues of
organisational relationships and systems leading to differences of experiences
for minorities, one is the limited access to or exclusion from informal
communication networks, two is the difficulty of establishing mentor-protégé relationships
between white men and women and people of colour. Three, tokenism is where the
minorities who are in the top management are constantly being ask to represent
their people with questions such as ‘what do your type of people thinks of this
idea?’, four are the types of work experiences by minorities hamper their
ability to advance in organisations.

Moving beyond prejudice and discrimination
towards minorities, organizations are required to have a solution to this
issue. The three phases of workplace development will produce a multicultural organisation
where marks the absence of discrimination, low levels of intergroup conflict
and high level of organisational identification for all gender and ethic group.
First-generation affirmative action are to meet legal mandated requirements for
diversity, second is to meet affirmative action goals of numbers and emphasis
shifts to supporting female and minority employees and thirdly is a
multicultural organisation where it moves beyond concept of support for minority
members to institution of policies capitalize on cultural and gender diversity.
Life in diverse organisation involves both attitude and action and challenge
and opportunity must be dealt with. Organizations are to be knowledgeable about
the needs and contributions of diverse members. Five steps to transform a
traditional organisation into multicultural organisation are introduced and it
involves leadership, training, research, analysis and change of culture and
human resources management systems.
For this week tutorial, my group are required to share on
the results of the research activities on diversity communication which was
done for assignment two. Our group decided to present on my research partner’s
and my report on Generational diversity. Our research emphasised on the
communication issues between distinct generations arises in the workplace. The
three generations (Baby boomers, Generation X and Y often colliding as thri
paths cross while working together because of the different values, idea, ways
to get things done and also the different ways of communicating with each other
in the workplace. Thus, these differences might cause misunderstandings and
affect the organisational communication within a company. We focused on the communication
channel, style, content used and information flow among employees in the workplace
of The Star Publication. We conclude that the three generations may have
different historical background and possesses vast difference in values and
work ethics but they do not disagree on everything when it comes to
communication among colleagues in the workplace. We also recommended for the
company to approach the older colleagues on the issue of interns feeling
intimidated on their first week due to the unfriendly vibe portrayed by them.
Making a new member felt welcome will make them feel the belonging in a company
and less likely resultant in high turnover rate.
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