Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 7: Socialisation processes

Demand of Social engagement

This week we had a guest, Ms Madeline, a current staff of Taylor’s University to talks to us about her experience on Socialisation in the workplace. Socialisation or assimilation refers to the process of becoming part of a culture. There are 3 stages, one, anticipatory socialisation is socialisation that occurs before entering into the organisation, two, encounter is the sensemaking stage that occurs when a new employee enter the organisation, old values should be let go and adapt into the expectation of the new company, three, Metamorphosis is the state reached at the completion of the socialization process where the new employee is now accepted as an organisational insider. Next, we learnt about the communication processes that occur during socialisation which involves the employment interview during the anticipatory socialization phase. Then moving into information seeking during the encounter phase and the LMX (Leader-Member Exchange Theory) modal of role development. Finally, it is also important to consider on the organisational exit and disengagement.

During tutorial, we were ask to come up with a role play on a mock employment interviewing with the use of assimilation processes such as recruiting and screening, information-gathering tool and tool for socialization as well as an experience we had while working with a company that role plays the three stages of socialization. The company that my group chose to role play was Edelman where the interviewee is applying a job as a PR consultant. 

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