In classical theories, they describe organisations as
machine when the impact of Industrial Revolution has changed the way people
work. Employees are trained for a specific task for the division of labor,
standardization and replace-ability where employees can be easily replaced and
predictable outcome as machines is programmed to a specific amount of results.
Classical theory 1: Henri Fayol’s Classical Management

Foyal first described 5 job scope of management/manager
(what is management)
- Planning: to determine
goals for the company.
- Organising: to delegate
- Command: to give proper
instructions to employees
- Coordination: to make sure
each department understands each other, creating a harmonized environment.
- Control: to be able to
take charged to achieve goals and organising activities.
Foyal also came up with 4 principles of management (how
management should be)
- Six Principles of
Organisational Structure
Scalar chain: mainly on vertically top-down
Unity of command: to take orders only from one
Unity of direction: under the supervision of
only one leader.
Division of labour: to be assigned on a
specific/limited task.
Order: every employee has an appointed
department and task.
Span of control: control the leader-staff ratio;
limit the number of staff under a manager.
- Three Principles of
Organisational Power
Centralization: to have one main central
management that has control.
Authority & Responsibility: managers have
the power to order/do something to certain extend.
Discipline: to ensure subordinates is obedient
to the rules of organisation and managers.
- Three Principles of
Organisational Reward
Remuneration of personnel: Bonus or financial
Equity: fairly treated
Tenure stability: ensure that all jobs are given
enough time to complete.
- Three Principles of
Organisational Attitude
Subordination of individual interest to general
interest: eg if you need to miss work for the day, think about the rest of the
co-workers and your manager position, you should at least call in to inform in
order manager could re-arrange the work task for other staff for the day.
Initiative: anything we do should think and work
for the best interest of the organisation.
Esprit de corps: promoting unity and team spirit
for a more harmonious organisation.
Classical theory 2: Max Weber’s Theory of Bureaucracy

Weber came up with six aspects to explain his theory; some
are pretty similar to Foyal’s theory.
Similar to Foyal:
- Hierarchical
system of authority.
- Division of labour (task
- Centralization of power
New aspects:
- Closed system: nothing is
disclosed to the external party or being influenced by it.
- Written rules: there is a
specific printed regulation to be followed eg, handbook provided.
- Authority system: should
be a rational legal authority team who delineate lines of authority in a
fixed area of activity, action taken on the basis of and recorded in
written rules.
Weber listed his forms of legitimate authority
- Traditional authority :
born to be in that position
- Charismatic authority:
they are given the authority because they have to the power to influence
eg, politicians, celebrity and etc.
- Rational-legal authority:
they have the authority because they worked hard for it. This is the kind
of leaders that most organisations are looking for.
Classical theory 3: Frederick Taylor’s Scientific

Taylor focused on 4 elements of scientific management.
- Some people have the
natural human instinct of taking it easy. They are called ‘natural
- Rewarding system through
piecework where people are paid through the number of units achieved.
- There are workers who work
faster in order to earn more and unscrupulous managers would rate fast
workers normally and pay slower workers half the usual rate. They are ‘rate
- On the other hand, slower
workers hated the idea of ‘rate buster’. Thus they would team up and force
fast workers to slow down so that they could get the usual rate as well.
This is called ‘ systematic soldiering’
There is one best way to perform every job which is to just
plainly follow the given direction of the work or following the recipe of it.
It is important to have the proper selection of workers where each staff is
rightly placed at the right time. Besides that, it is also important to provide
trainings for the workers and to compensate them with some incentive plan. A
company should also state clearly on the difference between management and
Classical approach on communication process that is
machine-like organisation could be viewed in terms of:
- Communication content
where everything is work-related. There are no personal matters involved.
- Direction of
communication flow is mainly focusing on vertical, top-down system.
- Channel of communication
is through written or these days email for black & white purposes.
- Communication style is
very formal eg punch cards, presentations, a certain language is imposed
on verbal or non-verbal expression and etc.
Question: Are classical theories of management relevant for
newly industrialized factories or applicable in today’s world?
It is believed that classical theories is still important
especially in the bigger companies such as fast-food restaurant, military
organisations, manufacturing and service organisations and etc, in order to keep
every part of the organisation to run smoothly. However, many contemporary
organisations value the free-flow of communication within the company for more
feedback, input or ideas to be discussed within for a better improvement of the
Nice work on Classical Theory of Management.